It lacks character development. but i also like it cause it's dark. RareKirby's entry though o: one of my faves
It lacks character development. but i also like it cause it's dark. RareKirby's entry though o: one of my faves
is this 2006? I'm surprise you're still making animations but i thought the animation would of improved by now
awesome love it. cute accents you guys have
Except new windows updates are killing me.
December update: no longer can move screen keys :D and when you animate you have to hold the button on pen now as you draw :A
recent update: hey! We made your computer slower :D but don't worry. the screen key now has a 80% transparent look. neato burritos! except it causes more lag. thanks microsoft O:!!!!!
Keep it up O:
Thank you! :D
lol typical thursdeee
Joined on 9/20/10