The dog voice needs work he sounds like he's whispering so mommy and daddy don't wake up. Main character voice needs a little work too. Awesome animation though Would 5/5 but it's not letting me. tablet dumb
The dog voice needs work he sounds like he's whispering so mommy and daddy don't wake up. Main character voice needs a little work too. Awesome animation though Would 5/5 but it's not letting me. tablet dumb
If you're talking about the brown dog's voice being whispery it's kind of supposed to like he's always muttering under his breath. Thanks for the feedback!
I like how you draw link better than the game. Everything is good. Love the art and background amd graphics but not a big fan of motion tweens
I just came from the hospital O:
Hope you're OK!
Background art really amazing, did you make those? Animation is great too! One thing that bothers me is her face expression. It's a dead face. She kinda made better expressions in the pictures the cops or whatever those guys were had to analyze Great work overall!
Backgrounds were made by Dragan Jovanovic and Vladan Vasiljevic, you have links to thier work in description; yes, we could work more on facial expressions but again, there was deadline for publishing video (we had to finish video before the album of Nezni Dalibor got published) so there wasn't really much time for working on character expressions.
Thank for comments :)
I was just thinking about pegbarians omg
it doesn't mattah
What the hell????! yesterday I was thinking about this series while going to the store. Like a lot and I was like ''sucks that the series discontinue'' And then this was uploaded omg
Nice job on this probably took a while but it doesn't catch my eye I guess. One thing that bothers me the most is that scream. Voice acting needs work, it's like someone is wisper screaming so they dont wake up mommy and daddy, but besides this good job
I get anxiety and panic attacks. over came them. I understand this O:
That gave me cardiac arrest
Joined on 9/20/10